Photo by Len Levasseur
JONATHAN AMBROSINO (b.1965) is an historian, journalist and consultant actively involved with organ work and the preservation of the American pipe organ. A Boston native, he was raised in the Choir of Men and Boys at Saint Pauls Cathedral (Episcopal) under the direction of Thomas Murray. Educated in journalism, book editing and newspaper design, he migrated to the organ business in 1985.
Early in his career he was business manager of Nelson Barden Associates, Restorers-in-Residence at Boston University, later working for Austin Organs Inc. and Rosales Organ Builders. He has worked independently since 1996, combining historical studies with professional involvement in organbuilding, consultation and tonal finishing. He served as President of the Organ Historical Society from 1999 to 2001, having served as a Councilor since 1993.