Essays in Honor of Barbara Owen (OHS: July 2005)
One of 15 contributors to a festschrift honoring Barbara Owens service to the Organ Historical Society. Winds of change explores four 20th-century examples of American organs being altered by the original builder.
- In the Pipeline (autobiography, published 1998) (view)
Carlo Curley with Jonathan Ambrosino
Choir & Organ (U.K.) (see magazine website)
- Lively-Fulcher at Christ Church, New Haven (9-10/05) (view)
- Sticking to Principle: A Story of Idealism (7-8/05) (view)
- Hermann Schlicker and Robert Noehren (5-6/05) (view)
- The Artist Militant: An Interview with Paul Jacobs (5-6/05) (view)
- Schoenstein & Co. (3-4/05) (view)
- Restored Tannenberg at Old Salem (1-2/05)
article (view)
review (view)
- Paul Fritts & Richards, Fowkes & Co. (11-12/04) (view)
- Turning Up the Volume: New Concert Organs (9-10/04) (view)
- Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles (5-6/04) (view)
- Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles (3-4/04) (view)
- Groton School (discussing the recent work, 5-6/03) (view)
- If Only! (unbuilt organ schemes, 1-2/03) (view)
- The Tastemakers (the impact of organ journalism, 9-10/02) (view)
- Missionary Zeal (E Power Biggs & Virgil Fox, 7-8/02) (view)
- The Third Dimension (the history of celestes) (9-10/01) (view)
- Do No Harm (the fate of old organs) (3-4/01) (view)
- The Organ and the Symphony Hall (11-12/00) (view)
- The Historical Organbuilders (8-9/00) (view)
- Lawrence Phelps, a retrospective (11-12/99) (view)
- Diplomatic Relations (the Fisk for Lausanne, 5-6/99) (view)
- Eclectic Approach (new Dobson at Saint Pauls, Minneapolis, 3-4/99) (view)
- A New Spark (electric action revival; Nichols & Simpson, 11-12/98) (view)
- French Connection? (new Casavant in Saint Paul, 7-8/98) (view)
- The Collaborative Spirit (5-6/98) (view)
- When Style Eclipses Quality (series overview, 3-4/98) (view)
Orgel International (Germany)
- Perspective: Present Imperfect (reprint from Tracker, Spring 1999) (view)
(Part I, 5-6/1999) (Part II, 7-8/1999)
Dorian Recordings
- Essay on the Wanamaker Organ for Peter Contes MAGIC recording (10/01)
For Cornell University
- G. Donald Harrison and the Sage Chapel Organ published in
The 50th Anniversary of the Sage Chapel Organ (5/90)
For Rice University
- Fisk-Rosales Opus 109/21 published in seminar brochure (6/97) (view)
ISO News (International Society of Organbuilders)
- A Good Story with a Bad Ending: M.P. Möller 1875-1992 (11/93) (view)
- A Delirious Roar of Bits and Blades: An Overview of 20th-century New England Organbuilding (10/92, for the Societys Convention Booklet)
IBO Journal (Institute of British Organbuilders)
- Mechanical Action and the Large Organ (9/03)
- The Mander in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia (8/01) (view)
- OHS turns 40: thoughts on modern organ restoration (8/96) (view)
- "Bravo to Paul Hale" (view)
Organists' Review
- Ernest M. Skinner (multiple installments, 2003)
The American Organist (Journal of the American Guild of Organists)
- Reconstructing the mid-1930s Aeolian-Skinner landmark
(Cover Feature, 12/04) (view)
- Rosales Organ Builders Opus 16 (Cover Feature, 2/94) (view)
- Austin Organs, Inc.: One Hundred Years (9/93)
- A Remembrance of George Faxon (12/92)
- Restoration of the Austin Organ, Bushnell Memorial Hall (6/90)
- A History of the Skinner Company (5/90) (view)
- A History of the Aeolian-Skinner Company, The Harrison Years(5/90)
- G. Donald Harrison (12/88, part of a series on the Aeolian-Skinner organ in the Mormon Tabernacle)
The Tracker (Organ Historical Society)
- The Erosion of Heritage, Summer 2005 (view)
- Present Imperfect: an overview of 20th-c. American organbuilding (Spring 1999) (view)
- Welte Organ Company (Spring 1998) (view)
- Review: Aeolian-Skinner Remembered (Spring 1997) (view)
- The Girard College Organ (Spring 1996)
- CD Review: Old South Brass, Organ & Tympani (Fall 1994) (view)
- CD Review: Pipedreams Premieres (Spring 1994) (view)
- CD Review: Three Recordings from Liverpool Cathedral (Winter 1993) (view)
- Guest Editorial: The Trappings of Erudition? (Fall 1992)
- On a Roll: A Survey of Some 20th-Century American Player Organ Systems (Fall 1991)
- CD Review: Organo Deco by David Britton (Spring 1991)
- Review: Encyclopedia of the American Theatre Organ, Vol. II by David Junchen (Fall 1990)
J A V Recordings, Inc. (see company website)
- Twelve essays in the Great Organbuilders of America series on various Skinner and Aeolian-Skinner organs, issued from September 1997 to the present.
Raven Recordings
- The Girard College Organ an essay in Peter Sykes recording of Holsts The Planets, 1996
The Organ (U.K.)
- The Organs of Princeton University Chapel (view)
(Part I, Fall 1993)
(Part II, Winter 1993)
Journal of American Organbuilding (American Institute of Organbuilders)
- Some Thoughts on early 20th-century Organ Restoration (1/94) (view)
The New England Organist
- The Dover Church (review of new Fisk Organ, Opus 107, 5-6/94) (view)
- The Kotzschmar Memorial Organ, Portland City Hall (5-6/92)
- "The Organ at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City" (7/8-96) (view)
